Not sure if it's just where I live, but it's wild whenever I see folks in the US like "i found this ancient PC in a [charity shop/second hand store] for like $10 and it still works perfectly and has a bunch of accessories" like. man. maybe it's a good thing those sorts of things never turn up in the charity shops near me or i'd end up with an even fuller computer cupboard

but also

pls.... i want them......

the only electronics in the charity shops near me are usually stand-mixers and calculators, sometimes a computer monitor /sobs


@takoto honestly its rare enough that charity shops near me even have electronics at all, let alone anything good

it probably helps that those US thrift stores are massive so they have enough room to take in random stuff like that even if it's pretty big

@lion Glad it's not just my area that is lacking in second hand electronics, but yeah I think you're right about the size of US thrift shops allowing them to take in bigger goods

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