Might be a good time for any "risky" emulation projects (including any new forks) to think about detaching themselves from the US as much as possible. It's a big world and the DMCA only exists in one country

@lion Also I feel like taking Patreon money is not a good idea, I feel like there was a reason why I've never really seen emulators doing it

Except for Drastic and I never liked that either admittedly

@Devourer_ITA Yeah people bring that up but it wasn't even mentioned in the case as far as I can see. I feel like Nintendo would've gone after the project regardless, it wasn't about the money it was about the existence of the emulator itself. And tbh I think emulator developers *should* be able to be compensated for their work, it is important and valuable


@Devourer_ITA Actually I stand corrected, it was mentioned in the background of the original complaint but it wasn't the basis for it, more like supporting evidence for the usage and popularity of the emulator

So it didn't help but I still 100% think the case would've been brought regardless if they had it or not

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