brazen flagrant piracy is just a bummer man. and i immediately anticipate people going "oh?? you love corporations?? you want to marry corporations????" but no actually it just bums me out. it is just a sucky attitude and people get really smug and weird about it and i don't enjoy being surrounded by a culture of "if i want something i will simply take it"

the worst part about it, even in the replies i am already getting, is that it fosters this atmosphere that only the best-funded and most popular things exist, or at least are worth having. the entire conversation is held in a corporate stranglehold from the beginning, often by people who otherwise pretend to resent corporations.

other things exist. free things exist, even. but if you take everything for free then there is no value to you in someone sharing their work for free


@eevee I think this is what bothers me about the whole attitude that pirating something from a company you don't like is this act of great moral righteousness, sticking it to the man

it's not actually doing anything to hurt the company unless you tacitly accept the idea that their product is a Must Have and your only agency is whether to pay for it or not. & you're perpetuating the buzz around it either way

you could just not engage with it at all! find something else & elevate that instead!

the whole attitude that pirating something from a company you don't like is this act of great moral righteousness, sticking it to the man
This is a poor excuse by people who would have pirated said thing anyway, nobody is fooled by their pretence of doing that as a way to punish "bad" companies.

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