The specific thing with the fonts seems to be that when I installed them, I did not choose to install them for all users, so they went into my user AppData fonts folder rather than the main system one & THOSE fonts are the ones not showing up
So I guess I COULD probably fix it by just reinstalling them for all users but I also want to understand why my user-specific fonts are not showing in apps that previously recognised them, especially considering I am the only user on this machine
@lion god ever since windows defaulted to installing fonts on AppData programs just can't find them, it's such a pain
@Rib And this was like, Firefox and MS Paint that couldn't find them even though they COULD find them when I originally installed them like 3 weeks ago, so it can't be case of them just being hardcoded to look in C:\Windows\Fonts (especially not Paint, being an MS program which SURELY has to know about the "proper" way of finding them)
So I don't know what the hell was going on
@lion PC LOAD LETTER-ass error message
@lion IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL-ass error message
Computers are making me insane