Haven't heard much from you lately, how's life in the big city? — i don't know my life is the same as it's been for a while. it's boring and stagnant and i don't feel able to do anything about it. sorry i suppose this was a depressing answer wasn't it retrospring.net/@taizou/a/1128

is there a scientific reason why you are the best lion — I think I need to see your research methodology retrospring.net/@taizou/a/1128

What is your favorite portable gaming console? Minus anything made by Nintendo. — Probably the Neo Geo Pocket Color. Relatively small library but all bangers retrospring.net/@taizou/a/1128

You playing anything seriously lately? — picked up eschatos which is great. still playing splatoon 3 but i think i've reached my skill ceiling at S+/X battle level cos I'm just getting my arse handed to me over and over which is not so much fun. also replaying mother 3 (i originally played it way back when the fan translation first came out & i've forgotten most of it by now) retrospring.net/@taizou/a/1128

What is your favorite cocktail? — honestly i don't drink cocktails regularly enough to have a favourite, if i find myself in a cocktail bar i just pick something i fancy off the menu. but i like a mojito, i like an old fashioned. maybe something with midori. or a long island iced tea cos it gets me drunk retrospring.net/@taizou/a/1128

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