Apparently retrospring is closing down next year so I guess I cursed it by joining....
Anyway if you want to ask me a question in the meantime please do

What's your lionsona origin story? — Back when I was vaguely "into furry" but didn't have a proper fursona I'd got into the habit of saying "rawr" a lot and a friend picked up on it and started calling me lion and I just...

Are there any clone consoles that you’re desperate to own but haven’t yet been able to find? — In terms of hardware clones not really. But I would quite like to get hold of any Sunplus-hardware plug n play consoles with Nice...


What gaming consoles (or computers) did you play on as a kid? — Amiga 1200 was my first but I probably spent more time with creative software like Deluxe Paint than any games. I did enjoy some of the (simpler) puzzle/strategy…

Did you ever use a BBC Micro? — yes at primary school! this was in the 90s so they were already out of date & the school only "officially" used them for some simple educational programs. but because my mum worked at the school…

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!