considering moving away from gmail for my email & i was thinking about using my 12bit club domain; i don't want to self host though. just want a service i can use a custom domain with. anyone have any recommendations? i was looking at proton but it's only supported on their paid plan & that seems kinda expensive for an email address i would only use for "taizou stuff" which i don't use email THAT much for yknow
@lion as far as security its great
as far as convenience of access yeah it sucks
@lion icymi, proton ceo's a m@g@ dude
@gosokkyu yeah I saw what he said and his attempts to walk it back & I'm not happy about it but I don't see him as a committed red hat fascist as much as a non American with laser focus on his pet tech/privacy issues who ran his mouth in a context he didn't understand. still beats google donating millions & their CEO lining up at the inauguration. but yknow if there are any half decent services run by people who don't suck i'd love to hear it
@lion fair enough, I will fully admit that I've never looked into any of their rebuttals
I've not tried it but the #1 recommend given to me a couple months back was Tuta
@lion if you only care about receiving email, you can setup the MX records on cloudflare and they have a email forwarding service. That's what I use for my spam domain that I use to sign up for random sites. It just then forwards into my proton address.
@lion I’ve been using Fastmail for years and I still like it
@lion i settled on Fastmail, though I can't remember the specific arguments for it or against anyone else at this point. it's been fine though
@lion I really like Fastmail. Pricing’s quite decent and I didn’t have any trouble setting up custom domains.
i SUPPOSE i could justify the proton cost if i, like, ditched dropbox for proton drive (is that any good?) and eventually migrated my personal email to a proton one as well. hmm