Going down a bit of a rabbit hole on modern Amiga stuff after looking up the tracker OctaMED and finding out it got a new version LAST YEAR after no development since 1996. And the new version was only released on a particular Amiga emulation box
These things are still being developed! It looks like the latest one was the A1222+ which also came out last year and costs somewhere north of a grand but it is An Amiga with a 1.2GHz dual core CPU and 4GB of RAM
https://amigakit.fr/?lang=en&pid=4&page=full http://www.a1222plus.com/?page=about
Supposedly it was going to be released as a download on an Amiga app store owned by the publisher which runs on OS 4, which is only for PowerPC Amigas, which is the next gen post-68k architecture that people have been trying to make happen pretty much since Commodore went under