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well I ordered one at like 6pm yesterday and it arrived this morning lol
it's nice!!!

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I've put together a page about one of the more interesting handhelds I acquired recently
I'm planning to follow a similar approach for documenting more stuff & I'd welcome feedback on how it's presented & organised & anything else you want to see in there

theres this one laptop i was strongly considering but i just found out the charging port is literally in the middle on the right hand side. and it isnt a right angle connector, it just pokes straight out. that's where my mouse goes! wtf

I now have a small collection of two boys and one honorary girl

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current console photography status. i think these are shaping up pretty good now

I bought this cheap emulator console which has a bug where the first time you load a SNES game it runs at half speed

also most retailers filtering options are shit and useless. sometimes they don't work at all. often they filter out products that actually do match your criteria but the specs weren't entered properly.
and sometimes you get stuff like this. how in the hell is 8"-15.6" a useful category for anything

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!