it has a hard drive now! i also got all the games i wanted to try working from HD which is convenient. although i have wasted a load of time trying to get one of them to boot from a floppy which it fully refuses to

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i mostly set this up cos there were some interesting games i wanted to check out that had very little coverage or video footage... i'm not gonna talk about those games just yet though. just messing around with it

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even though i have this great fondness for the amiga as the computer i grew up with & the huge cultural impact it had, i don't think i've ever really touched emulation for it before....
well tonight i am back on my bullshit

shopping for a new desk. i've never seen one with a little computer harness like this before. is that what the gamers are doing these days

i picked mario sunshine back up after dropping it like....a year and a half ago. got past some kinda bullshit parts & i'm having fun with it again

finally got hold of one of these.... a Diium D-R28S aka D28S aka D-28S
it's a mini emulation handheld!

picked up Wonder Boy Returns Remix for Β£1.79 in a sale. this one has a weird history & kinda got lost amongst the more prominent Wonder Boy revival games but its a serviceable remake of the original game in this form & has probably the cutest version of wonder boy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!