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This rare variant of the Wiii3 with an additional 7-games cartridge is one of the few places their 16-bit Sunplus games are known to have seen release (not my pic but this is the same model I have) and these videos are me finally finishing the job of capturing footage from it

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Every night yeah but I don't see what that has to do with ADHD

I've had one of these for ages idk what the big deal is

OK SO I found this program where someone has actually implemented multiboot and enough of the xboo communicator protocol to do everything i need, but with a Raspberry Pi
SO I attempted to modify it to communicate over parallel instead and it just WORKED!?!?!?

It is dog ass slow compared to the original communicator so I probably need to tweak some delays and stuff but i'm so glad this worked oh my god

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this is a test of my experimental crossposter... happy lion day

Is this really what you have to do to put a mention or a link into a post. i am going to fucking piss

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!