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still on that GBA SP? you can shove it up your ass!!!

partial quordle spoiler 

I always wanted to open one of these

This is the emulator console with a square screen that I bought cos I thought it'd be ideal for tate arcade games, and it kinda is!!

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It has this library section which is supposed to log all the games you played but it only works on official carts so only one of the 30 I've tried is showing up lol

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More working games. The last one is GBA. Vast Fame's GBA games work but Sintax's don't. Honestly not surprising, they're picky enough about boot timing that they mostly don't even work on a DS, if anything was gonna fail I'd expect it to be those

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The hit rate for unlicensed games (and multicarts) seems Pretty Good, I've only had a couple of failures so far

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First impressions the screen fully bangs on this
And the tilt sensor works on this game which tbh is expected but hey
Next I'll try some really fucked up stuff

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My expensive Game Boy is here!
First Game Boy to ever make me agree to a EULA

this bot i follow (which posts heathcliff comics with random pornhub comments replacing the captions) looks WAY dirtier on here with the tags and content warnings than it used to look on twitter when they just posted them raw lol

anyone looking over my shoulder would think i'm following heathcliff porn when it's just shit like this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!