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taizou boosted
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taizou boosted

what if we kissed in the horizontal blanking interval

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Fighting words, I know, but look, here's my elder take:

If you think an LLM is a better partner for you than a junior programmer, you have both identified a very serious problem in your org, and signaled clearly that you're a significant part of that problem.

Every so often I hear about this game called DNF Duel and I don't know what DNF stands for but my mind always goes "do not fuck duel"

I think I'm gonna at least a) yes definitively make the one thing for consoles and the other thing for carts and b) rename "12bit notepad" because it really isn't just a thing for notes anymore -
I was thinking "12bit museum" because I think that encapsulates it pretty nicely as being a place to showcase & document my collection with supplementary info rather than anything aimed at being a comprehensive resource.
I am bad at naming though so I'm open to suggestions

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taizou boosted

That rubberised plastic that goes sticky over time should be banned

@Foxhack but not in a way that could be mistaken for the mascot of a right wing political party

well I can figure it out I guess I just need to find an artist who doesn't mind working things out with me a bit

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I say this every so often but my problem is I do not really have a clear and defined idea of my fursona as a character it's just Lion Vibes so like ??? what do i even ask for lol

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taizou boosted

Amazing news out of the UK!

@owa has the details, but TL;DR: Apple's attempts to block iOS browser competition on hilariously thin grounds (essentially "you didn't regulate us soon enough!") just took a huge hit:

Expect Apple to appeal the appeal because delay is their strategy any time regulators find that their rent-extracting, anti-competitive nonsense, nonsense (browsers, right-to-repair, charging cables, etc.)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!