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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

@Ninji .. I didn't notice that part but yes they are

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Seems a bit on the nose to make an NFT thing based on a movie about a guy who scams people by selling them worthless assets at an inflated price

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I ordered German doner kebab & it came in a promotional box advertising "the wolf of wall street NFT experience"

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taizou boosted
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@Ninji TFL's journey planner API legit used to return "Fussweg" as the mode of transport if the route involved walking

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taizou boosted

@Triplefox tbh i'm avoiding refurbished this time based on past experiences, my last couple of laptops were refurbished and while i did end up with some decent bargains, each time the first unit they sent me had some fault and i had to send it back. with the second one it happened twice! so i haven't had a very good hit rate with refurbs really, would rather avoid the hassle

taizou boosted

i am fully open to recommendations at this point before i lose my mind. i'm looking for something 15-16 inches that weighs less than 2kg and has decent enough specs, good screen and good sound

i doubt i'll do much gaming on it so it doesnt need a banger gpu but i want it to be good for everything else & be reasonably future proof

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also most retailers filtering options are shit and useless. sometimes they don't work at all. often they filter out products that actually do match your criteria but the specs weren't entered properly.
and sometimes you get stuff like this. how in the hell is 8"-15.6" a useful category for anything

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!