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"Nation-states are a fiction": Yakko Warner stirs controversy with radical refusal to update famous "Nations of the World" song for 2023 geopolitical landscape

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Discussing the British Press, and I'm reminded of the time when I had a moderate amount of celebrity in the UK LGBT community, and the press tried to do a hit piece on me.

Now here's the thing. There's a cheat code, and I'm going to explain what it is:

They will contact you for comment.

If you say nothing, they will publish the piece and say you were offered the chance to comment.

If you tell them to fuck off, they will publish the price and say your response was foul and unprintable.

I did neither of these things. I told them that this piece wasn't journalism. It was ridiculous tittle tattle and represented everything that was wrong with a failing and dying industry more obsessed with clickbait than proper reporting. I asked them if they didn't have proper news to report, and said that they should be ashamed of themselves.

They're basically screwed at that point. "We contacted Ms Brown for comment and she said that this was ridiculous tittle tattle and that the reporter should be ashamed of herself."

They're not gonna say that.

I'm struck by something one of my history teachers once said about medieval castles. They weren't meant to be impregnable. They were meant to be annoying enough that an invading army would decide to investigate other priorities instead.

The piece never ran.

If you're a trans person in the crosshairs of the British press, make yourself an annoying target. They're on a deadline, and if you make them conclude that life is too short, they will leave you the fuck alone.

taizou boosted

I’m going to start using “people of inherent good taste” as a euphemism 🌈
#vintageAd #gay #whiskey

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taizou boosted

@Snootly Tiggs get the attention, but we get the glorious manes

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taizou boosted

Hello tech bros a reminder that dark mode gives some people with certain kinds of astigmatism (me) eye strain and headaches and so no it's not always "the accessible option"

Test your software on light mode please

If the icons on your buttons are now white on a white background because you never did this, you made an app that I can't use

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taizou boosted

am i correct that favourites aren't exposed from a user's profile on here? so hypothetically one could go ahead and fav posts of an adult nature without it being too blatant? asking for a friend

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If you think “overpegging” is good check out their phone number

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taizou boosted

Been looking into this a bit more and it's actually considerably cheaper to buy a used intuos 4 tablet + pen set than it is to buy the pen on its own. So the tablet literally has negative value

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taizou boosted

In 2000, the WonderSwan received a web browser supporting a subset of HTML 3.2, tables, GIF files, reading Japanese text, bookmarks, and cookies - all on a handheld competing with the Game Boy Color.

From 2004, it no longer worked due to a missing gateway server. UNTIL TODAY.

I wrote a tutorial, so you can make it work again too, if you want!

It's up on my blog:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!