Are you a hacker/maker/nonprofit in the UK? Would you like some free 64ร16 px RGB LED panels? We have a lot. We need to get rid of them.
i tried to use one of those scraper services to fill in the gaps in the metadata and it just plain got a lot of things wrong like labelling 5 different megaman games all as "Mega Man 2". so now i have to go into some xml files and manually fix it all i guess........
I bought the bundle with an SD card full of roms both cos i'm lazy and like to see what they include. It's kind of a mess though with a lot of different sets that make no sense, inconsistent metadata/images etc. also there are no mario or pokemon games because they are cowards
Like there was an update and I installed it & it made the menu layout better but now a bunch of emulators don't have sound. Linux shit
General impressions: Screen very good, controls decent, plastic feels a bit cheap. It's fully open source & came with JELOS out of the box which is decent but lots of rough linuxy edges and 1000 settings to fiddle with, def a tinkerer's device