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Designing algorithms to return definitive results and then getting duped by conspiracy theorists is embarrassing; doing the same and getting pwned by the hapless stupidity of large language models is malpractice.

IMO this is not simply a matter of Google's algorithms being no good. What's going on here is that Google is playing a losing game by trying to extract true information from the web algorithmically. Why would Google choose to play a game it could only lose?

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so my 2nd thought is, what if i just have the one web server, running natively, and then only a php-fpm container for each domain, and the server just routes traffic to those containers?
this seems like it's quite easy to do with nginx, i think

however: i'm currently running apache & the ideal would be to gradually switch sites over, so i'm wondering if there's a way to do that with apache instead, so i could have nonconverted sites running as-is and converted ones running in docker

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so where i've got so far is -
I have multiple sites running on the same VPS and my general idea is "one domain/subdomain = one containerised 'app'"
so my first thought was each could be self contained & have its own web server, but ofc multiple web servers can't listen on the same ports so "something" would have to route between them
and apparently that something has to be *another* web server acting as a reverse proxy
which feels like it's getting overcomplicated. too many servers

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so maybe i should go and research it instead of tooting about it eh

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recently at work i set up a dev environment for a new project using docker from scratch and it was actually a big piece of piss so that's what's got me thinking along those lines

i suppose it adds overhead on the server though & probably raises plenty of its own maintenance problems. there's still a lot i don't understand about it

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thinking in an effort to make my various websites more manageable i might start running them through docker maybe?
cos a problem i have is, it all runs in PHP and all on the same server so if I want to update PHP then I need to make sure Everything is compatible with the new version all at once, from the blogs to the wiki to ye olde neofuji and even my one surviving twitter bot. but if they were in separate containers then they could all just coexist with different versions

It may shock you to find that fatassboi and Mr. Penis are, in fact, the SAME PERSON

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taizou boosted

tbh its quite impressive that these blogs with their fully open no-registration no-captcha comments fields still don't get much automated spam
my secret anti-spam measure still doing its job after all these years

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

New queer icongraphy just dropped

Gay lions
Trans eagles
Bisexual wikipedia
Asexual john the baptist
Enby john the evangelist

slept like shit last night and i am paying the price

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!