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god I actually did some web dev on this thing on the Windows side at one point? on this pissy 10 inch atom machine with a pissy bluetooth keyboard and mouse attached? i could never do that today. i need my 2 big monitors. i have become weak and decadent

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taizou boosted

found my old tablet & had the idea of using it as a music player or something - its an x86 based thing that currently dual boots Android 4.4 and Windows 8.1, but honestly the Android side is so old as to be useless, can't install shit for apps on it
I found there is an Android 5 rom kicking around but is it even worth installing that? or should I just maybe try and repartition the whole thing and stick Windows 10 on it?

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

It's funny: Both Bandcamp and Patreon had the easiest and most straightforwardly long-term profitable business models imaginable: Sit between indie creatives and their fans, provide some basic services for mediation (comment sections, media posts, semi-global payment) and take enough of a cut of any payments to cover the costs and then some.

But because that business model wouldn't scale forever, they are instead being gutted, because ever _increasing_ growth is the only model capital accepts

taizou boosted

I think I might buy this. Some might say I've bought too many freakin shmups lately but whatever

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It's got one of those space manbows I've heard so much about

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taizou boosted

installed it on my phone and it mostly went off pretty well but there is one (1) highly visible speck of dust right in the middle which will bug me for the rest of my life

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

you can just add an almost invisible text prompt into images going into bing / chatgpt4 and it will read it and follow it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!