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need to figure out tweaking the various levels manually though cos i've just run them through photoshop auto tone here

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current console photography status. i think these are shaping up pretty good now

taizou boosted
taizou boosted


taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Just in time for squirrel appreciation day, introducing Riley! They are a bunny/squirrel hybrid, and will be one of the playable characters in Cosmogelica

#art #furryart #furry

taizou boosted

its not even noticeable in use, i only really care because i want to take high quality photos of these things & it's really obvious under a bright light with the screen off

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is it actually possible to disassemble a handheld game console and put it back together without dust getting on the screen inside (either on the actual lcd panel or the inside of the plastic lens bit). this is driving me insane

taizou boosted

back on the "looking for laptops" bullshit. a new one has come out that seems to tick all my boxes but it's 2 grand..... i could wait and see if the price comes down i suppose but so much of this game seems to be "wait and see" because there'll always be new ones and price cuts and whatever

taizou boosted

For my non German-speaking followers: several hundred thousand people are in the streets today in Germany to protest against fascism following the uncovering of deportation plans for migrants, foreigners and non-conform Germans projected by the AfD party #noafd

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taizou boosted

I bought this cheap emulator console which has a bug where the first time you load a SNES game it runs at half speed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!