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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

....I haven't even opened the box yet, imagine if there's something wrong with the item and I have to send it back in this

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i've always had trouble fleshing out my fursona's design & i think a big part of it is because i don't have a great visual imagination

what would be really great is like a video game character creator but for fursonas so i could see a visual representation while i mess around with features and sliders and colours until i land on something i like... and then i could send that to artists as a reference

if someone made that i would definitely subscribe to your patreon or whatever

oh wait that's what happened! so i'm still good actually!
nothing quite like the relief of finding out i don't have to do shit

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hm apparently all my websites certificates are going to expire in three days even though they should have been getting auto-renewedπŸ₯² I hate how fucking HTTPS has made my formerly zero-maintenance websites need fucking maintenance now

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

The world's leading expert on European wasps walks into a record shop.

He asks the assistant β€œDo you have β€˜European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2? I believe it was released this week.”

β€œCertainly,” replies the assistant. β€œWould you like to listen before you buy it?”

"That would be wonderful," says the expert, and puts on a pair of headphones.

He listens for a few moments and says to the assistant, β€œI'm terribly sorry, but I am the world's leading expert on European wasps and this is not accurate at all. I don't recognize any of those sounds. Are you sure this is the correct recording?”

The assistant checks the turntable, and replies that it is indeed European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2. The assistant apologizes and lifts the needle onto the next track.

Again the expert listens for a few moments and then says to the assistant, "No, this just can't be right! I've been an expert in this field for 43 years and I still don't recognize any of these sounds."

The assistant apologizes again and lifts the needle to the next track.

The expert throws off the headphones as soon as it starts playing and is fuming with rage.

"This is outrageous false advertising! I am the world's leading expert on European wasps and no European wasp has ever made a sound like the ones on this record!"

The manager of the shop overhears the commotion and walks over.

"What seems to be the problem, sir?"

"This is an outrage! I am the world's leading expert on European wasps. Nobody knows more about them than I do. There is no way in hell that the sounds on that record were made by European wasps!"

The manager glances down and notices the problem instantly.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir. It appears we've been playing you the bee side."

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Anyway sorry I've been dumping my thoughts about this case into this thread over the course of like 24 hours now. It will happen again

It would probably be useful if I'd posted this on Twitter where there's a whole load of hyperbole going round about this case and not much sober analysis but I also can't be fucked to deal with the responses I'd get on there so I'm not going to

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I do think there's a fair chance if Yuzu had required decrypted ROMs they would've figured out some other grounds to attack it though. So I couldn't say another Switch / Switch 2 emu would be safe in the US if it had no decryption functionality. But as things stand I do think non-current-platform emulators are generally not at risk

Also the Patreon had nothing to do with it

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Their case primarily hinged on their characterisation of Yuzu as a "circumvention device" by virtue of the fact that it decrypts Switch games at runtime as a core part of its functionality. This is not really a common factor for most older system emulators which either play games that were never encrypted in the first place, or require pre-decrypted ROMs (as Citra does). So I don't believe this case would've affected the standing of emulation in general even if it went to trial and they won

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Another thing worth noting is that they didn't explicitly target Citra at all, despite the same lead dev, it was only mentioned once in the complaint as background context and not mentioned in the final judgement and injunction at all

Whether this was because they didn't believe they had as strong a case against it, or they just weren't bothered about pursuing an emu for a dead system, I don't know, but it does suggest Citra forks and other older system emus would not be in their crosshairs

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Like ultimately this case wasn't about the money and probably not *really* about Yuzu itself either, given the timing the intent was probably to pre-empt any future attempt at Switch 2 emulation by the team and scare off anyone else from trying it

So I think it's important to figure out what's safe for emulation in the legal climate that exists & not just allow a general chilling effect to set in

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I also noticed in the Yuzu case that the defendant is an LLC which I guess was used to manage the project and funding and (big "not a lawyer and not American" caveat here) I think that shields the individuals involved from personal liability? Meaning the LLC is liable for the 2.4mil they settled on, which it probably doesn't have, so in practice will just hand over whatever assets it has & then declare bankruptcy & the individuals get to walk away
That was a smart move if so

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!