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stumbled across a wholesale listing for these transparent usb ps2-like controllers and i think they look cool. that's all

taizou boosted

Scientists have long debated what makes someone gay. Turns out it's plastic tape.
#vintageAd #gay #Christmas

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taizou boosted

ONE-STAR HEROES returns this Sunday, December 15 and Wednesday, December 18! i'm playing bad games suggested by the community to help pay our bills! stream starts whenever i'm awake enough to hold a controller and ends when i can't game anymore!

taizou boosted

From my estimation the H6 has 560 real games and the Smitch has 400. But the Smitch seems to have more actual NES/FC games whereas the H6 falls back more on Nice Code/Inventor stuff. Wouldn't be surprised if the ROMs were the same size

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The new one btw is uncreatively called "H6". It's smaller than the smitch but the screen is brighter and actually the correct aspect ratio. They both claim "1000" games but have repeats, the included games and menus are different & tbh it's kind of a wash on which set is "better"

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Both of these work in basically the same way, the controllers are always connected wirelessly (and require batteries) even when attached to the console. Switches inside detect whether they're attached or detached and change the control config accordingly

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Okay so this is a famiclone and obviously the elephant in the room is that it's a total ripoff of another console: The Game Magic aka Nanica Smitch (bottom right). I don't know what that one on the top is doing there

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!