recently at work i set up a dev environment for a new project using docker from scratch and it was actually a big piece of piss so that's what's got me thinking along those lines
i suppose it adds overhead on the server though & probably raises plenty of its own maintenance problems. there's still a lot i don't understand about it
thinking in an effort to make my various websites more manageable i might start running them through docker maybe?
cos a problem i have is, it all runs in PHP and all on the same server so if I want to update PHP then I need to make sure Everything is compatible with the new version all at once, from the blogs to the wiki to ye olde neofuji and even my one surviving twitter bot. but if they were in separate containers then they could all just coexist with different versions
tbh its quite impressive that these blogs with their fully open no-registration no-captcha comments fields still don't get much automated spam
my secret anti-spam measure still doing its job after all these years
and THEN there are the 32 secret endings that were only in the Japanese version where CATS just gets more and more unhinged
people only talk about the zero wing intro for "all your base are belong to us" but it actually just goes really hard in general