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taizou boosted

Unfortunately, that joy is being tempered by the current push by right wing extremists who are actively pushing to stifle LGBTQ youth. They claim allowing LGBTQ youth to be themselves is grooming children.

Let's be clear. LGBTQ youth exist just like heterosexual youth. Preventing LGBTQ youth from participating in the same social and dating rituals as heterosexual youth is child abuse.


taizou boosted

One of the things that warms my heart the most right now is seeing young people feeling safe enough to come out publicly at a younger age. This may not seem like a big deal to some but you have to remember that, when I was in school, LGBTQ kids could not go on dates, dances, or prom. So seeing a gay high schooler ask another gay student to prom, makes my heart swell with happiness.


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taizou boosted

Happy #NationalComingOutDay!

LGBTQ people come out every single day. We first come out to ourselves. It usually follows a period of panic, prayer, and pretending. Once we accept ourselves we search for allies; trustworthy friends and family members. As adults, we continue to come out to neighbors, coworkers, doctors, our children, and others.


waiting for a delivery, there's a tracking map so i could see 2 and a half hours ago that the van was parked on the side road right next to me & was anticipating the knock but it didn't happen and they have since fucked off doing other deliveries all around the area. i need to have a shower ffs

i suppose though products from China being inflated in price on western marketplaces is pretty much par for the course, just looked on Amazon UK and sellers were asking 40-50 quid for a SF2000 so maybe in that light this isn't too bad

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the sticking point for me is the lowest tier that gets you one is $69 for today only & then it goes up to $89
considering the console part is basically the same as the $20 SF2000, is it really worth that much extra for an admittedly very cool looking powerbank version

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interesting kickstarter just launched. basically an emulator handheld/magnetic wireless power bank combo device. there have already been wired power bank emulators and wireless power bank famiclones this year but this is the first one ticking both boxes

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

need to find some motivation to get back to that docker thing.................

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Hell yeah I didn't know there was a furry skateboarding game in the 90s. I guess the name confused people.

Part of a separate work for Werewolf-V to make a 3D version of his Wolf Paw V1's! (

How could I NOT make a low-poly version too? ✨

taizou boosted

Mastodon often doesn’t seem to love my art BUT I’m super proud of this little guy - still needs some work but I’m trying to make Inktober all about getting shit done, not getting shit perfect.

Another thing I'm realising is that there isn't really a reason to run one container per site if I don't need to
Because (at least the way I'm planning to set it up) the container is only running PHP-FPM, it doesn't actually contain the site files, it just has a directory shared from the host filesystem
So multiple sites can still use the same one as long as they're compatible with the same PHP version & I only need as many containers as I need PHP versions. Which to begin with will be 1

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well it's 2:30 am and this vulgar message in a browser window is the result of me finally having got that setup working locally as a proof of concept. after an extremely hairy upgrade of apache. and with extra fun complications due to the host os being windows and the container being linux. now i'm going to bed

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taizou boosted

Sending the contents of every file you download to ChatGPT as a service, thanks Arc

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that was a good first episode! except the ending theme was replaced as well! if i have to mute it and play the actual songs off youtube every episode then i fucking will

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!