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*The world's second or third richest man* The future of technology is going to be the Metaverse.

*Journalist* Oh, what's the Metaverse?

*World's second or third richest man, nodding and making a very serious face* Dunno

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@emaytch We find convenience in tension with control because the people with the budgets to give us convenience have incentives to take away control. I'm not convinced it's actually the case convenience and control are incompatible.

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Today my sister and her fiancée got some upsetting news that throws their immigration and marriage plans into disarray. There’s absolutely nothing I can do to fix it, and it feels fucking terrible. If anyone has an extra buck or two, please consider helping them out. Taylor is part of my chosen family and I very much want her to be able to live happily with her fiancée Millie in the UK.

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It's a baby Toxtricity????? I've seen tons of art of Toxtricity but I didn't even know it had a pre-evo?????

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Wrestling Match
Powerful, 3m3mm to roll up

They're performing some great moves, but they're getting a little dizzy as well.

パワフル 3m3mm

ナカナカノ オオワザダガ マワシテイルホウモ メガマワル

honestly think the plug n play db idea was still a good one but let's face it I'm just not the person to see it through

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The Semantic MediaWiki thing tbh is also a holdover from an old idea I had to do a big comprehensive database of plug n play consoles with the games that are on them all cross referenced to each other, that idea went through multiple iterations before being flushed down the crapper but I did still end up installing that "what if wiki but also database" extension into my notes wiki even if its utility ended up being reduced to a fancy list generator in the end

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other things i might do short-term i guess?

* set up SSL on it? i barely even remember how i did that on the other domains but god if browsers these days don't make you feel like a dickhead if you don't have it

* might get rid of Semantic MediaWiki cos its a big heavy extension that I really only used to generate some lists & tbh I can do that by hand (I thought there would be a LOT more lists)

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well the rebrand is underway......
I've changed the name, logo, subdomain, and rewritten the intro page

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!