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taizou boosted

When the star is phantastic, or something.

(I like Rika a lot, if you couldn't tell)

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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taizou boosted

The abusive behavior that was being used to manipulate Lasse Collin into bringing on more maintainers for #xz went unnoticed because abusive behavior in Open Source communities is so pervasive. In context, we can clearly see it was part of an orchestrated operation. Out of context, it looks like just another asshole complaining about stuff they have no right to complain about.

taizou boosted
My heart goes out to xz. A single maintainer, who was clearly in a rough place with mental health, screaming out to the world for some help and additional contributions, and somebody shows up wanting to help. Could you imagine how happy that maintainer was? They were no longer alone.

And it turns out the only reason somebody wanted to help them was nefarious. I can’t imagine how they feel right now as everyone is blaming them. I hope they’re ok.
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Tired: using a prong collar to make your dog look vicious

Wired: using Halloween "heavy" chain to make your dog look threatening

It's still not as good as I've been able to get the console photos with overhead lighting but It'll Do I guess. I probably spent more time trying to photograph this box than anyone did designing it

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i found the lamp! here's an attempt with more consistent lighting

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this arrangement probably is workable though with some refinement. like mainly i need to switch out one of the lights. i have an old desk lamp that could probably do the job with the right bulb if i could find the damn thing

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an attempt
i had to manually hold up lights on either side of it and the lights are neither the same brightness nor colour temperature and i still got some freakin reflections on it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!