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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

The Internet Archive has lost its appeal on ebook lending:

The most important thing here is **don’t panic**. They’re not going to just disappear. This isn't good but it's not catastrophic.

taizou boosted

Rainbows, wool, and jesters: the three universal symbols of gay culture 🌈
#vintageAd #gay #rainbow #wool

taizou boosted
taizou boosted


dude idfk if i maintain this shit at all its some kind of miracle. like i can barely maintain myself let alone some software i made out of desperation. like just fucking do what you want with this shit i do not care. try not to be evil with it i guess, but no matter what i write here some jackass will find a way to ruin it.

this license is to apply to all derivative works

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Sheptember, Sneptember... Both are good! <3
Saber Shep and @kieran

Arts by Skylar (

taizou boosted

You look pretty cool,
but I look better. Ha ha!

of all the kinds of themes in software the ones i've really come to hate are low-contrast dark themes. don't give me this grey on grey shit

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Hi! How are you?
Have you heard of Big Foot Joe
who lives on the north side
of White Mountain?
He's crazy!
He's hunts for fake bears!

taizou boosted an "explosion"?
- E..explosion?..
- Yes! It's an explosion!

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Also fucking Windows. Oh you can't access the ports on your own computer unless you go through a slow driver written by someone who paid us for a certificate. Fuck off let me bang some bits

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Yeah it turns out it is faster on Linux and can pretty much get up to the speed of the original (albeit not 100% reliably) so it must just be the Windows driver slowing it down. Which on the one hand is a bit of a pisser that it's a problem I can't fix, but it's also good to know I've done everything "right" on my end and it's not a problem with my code

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taizou boosted

I suppose I should also try compiling this on Linux and see if it's any faster there. The driver it needs on windows might be adding overhead. On Linux it can just raw dog the port

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!