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The Officially Unofficial Six Year Affiliate-versary Stream with GammaChris and Altazimuth

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Super Nodage World, the second game in a series of crowdfunded minigame collections spearheaded by Japanese comedian & app dev Crystal Noda, finally got a global release on Switch

what's particularly noteworthy about these games is that not only the ideas but the actual assets are crowdsourced from backers, and they have a lot of collaborators (like Mojipittan creator Hiroyuki Goto) pitching in on game design

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taizou boosted

(⊙_⊙). Thomas de Kent, Le roman d’Alexandre ou Le roman de toute chevalerie, London ca. 1308-1312. BnF, Français 24364, fol. 67r.
#medieval #MedievalArt

taizou boosted

We went into the AliExpress Plaza and it was such a weird place

Where else can you get Famiclones, knockoff Nintendo merch, legit Nintendo merch, Chinese Lays, AriZona Iced Tea, Ramune, a vacuum sealer, shark-shaped slippers and nail varnish all in one transaction??

taizou boosted

the 500 Coin Special: One-Star Heroes 500 Dollar Special Edition is today at 4:00 PM PST! we're gonna do game request raffles and maybe some other fun stuff! (if you can think of a better name for the show, let me know)

hope to see you there!

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well this is quite possibly the most interaction i've ever had with a post. if you're able bodied and not living in poverty, please consider contributing to our gofundme to allow my partner/carer to move to the uk to live with me full time

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taizou boosted

Sega of Japan's decided to put out a second call for Puyo Puyo Global Match entrants until November 25 they're at 92 signups atm, and they're overwhelmingly Japanese

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finally got a new monitor. i'm scrolling you bastards in 4k now

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taizou boosted
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taizou boosted

(guess who forgot to announce her monthly fundraiser stream... that's happening tomorrow...)

One-Star Heroes starts Sunday, November 17! i'm playing bad games all day to pay my bills! there will be special events and fun surprises! only at !

stream start time TBD, stay tuned!

i have charged it a bit and it is holding a charge and is not on fire so i think we're good

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taizou boosted

ok i'm having battery anxiety again
i have a device with a built in battery that hasn't been used for 9 years and is at least dead enough that the device won't power on. i've opened it and the battery shows no sign of swelling. is it safe to try charging it?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!