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taizou boosted
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taizou boosted

"What if an AI got hyper-focused on making paperclips and destroyed us all?" asked the insufferable nerd, as corporations whose only directive is "make stock price go up" utterly destroyed the conditions favourable for human life

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Double freakin rainbow πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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taizou boosted

"AI scanning agreements like Bluesky's are common for all major social media sites, because AI automation is the ONLY cost effective way to moderate a platform with that many users!"

(looking around)

" it???"

(peeking out of the door and into the hall to ask the mods)

"Is it????"

(walking out into the street calling out to the owners and admins of other servers)


taizou boosted

There IS armour up there, but it's hidden underneath all that luscious mane. You think you can hit this one over the head? Nope!

OSRS chathead for SiegmeyerLion over on Twitter, thanks again!

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Unfortunately, despite being a short recording, Cat Calls managed to make it through OK (1981)

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Continuing my artwork posting of Itxi, here is another magnificent piece of him done recently by Komolord! I don't think this one has even been posted publicly yet, so this is a debut πŸ‘€

I'm absolutely in love with this slice of life depiction, and of course he is also just an absolute cutie. <3

#skink #fantasy #furry #furryart #art #artwork #OC

taizou boosted

I'm tired of ionizing radiation. When do we get lionizing radiation?

just blowing the dust off this account in case i need to flee twitter at any point, i probably still won't be particularly active on here for now (since most of the people i know remain on the bird site) but feel free to follow if you want to maintain some kind of connection to me that won't be severed by the tantrums of a giant rich baby

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taizou boosted

here's a good thing to tell school-age children: the textbooks they use to learn are made by people, and those people might gloss over or omit parts of the whole truth, accidentally or intentionally

basically just teach kids to be critical of their sources of info and ask really good questions

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!