12 hour challenge tag thoughts 

noticing people doing the 12 hour challenge for learning a game in 12 hours, but when i try to use the tag to find learning streams i end up finding people doing 12 hour streams , and i feel like a lot of streamers think that the purpose of the tag is for people doing 12 hour streams and not for the "12 hour challenge" speedrunning event(assuming thats what its intended for at least)


12 hour challenge tag thoughts 

@garbitheglitcheress Have you tried intersecting it with the speedrun tag?

12 hour challenge tag thoughts 

@madewokherd ah I didn't know you could intersect tags, that's good to know thanks :D

12 hour challenge tag thoughts 

@garbitheglitcheress I like using LGBTQIA+ & Speedrun to find new streamers.

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