There’s someone in my building who lives in the attic, they make sudden random movements, hit themselves, say bizarre things and swear for no reason, their mood can switch from happy to sad and back again in seconds, they speak to people who aren’t there (people in their head), and sometimes they suddenly act like they aren’t sure how they got where they are and their memory skips random things.

The worst thing is learning to cope with knowing that they are me.

Discovering we are plural and there are always people around looking after us is great.

What isn’t great is when they jump in all “oh actually you shouldn’t be aware of this” and we forget the thing. Someone even deleted this toot as I typed it TWICE and I can’t remember if this was what I wanted to say in the first place

@Sophie Sounds like your system has a gatekeeper. Not that ours has ever done that to us. That we know of.

@madewokherd (hi, Fia dipping in to solo for this one) I am basically the person with the greatest amount of control in the system (that I know of), and have basically managed fronting for a *long* time. I don’t like the term “gatekeeper” and I’ve been trying not to be so domineering since finding out I’m not alone, but I think it best matches me out of anyone. That said, I’ve never had control of memory and that this happened is worrying tbh. Maybe there’s another?

@madewokherd I guess if I manage switching but loosely, there could be someone who manages memory also. I’d not know about them unless they wanted me to. Have to wonder how often this has happened before tbh…


@Sophie Fair, sorry. I think partial control is something different anyway.
Blocking memories sounds like a useful ability to have, but what's lacking is cooperation, consent, and trust.

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