This morning's dumb that'll-never-work idea: a game that starts off buggy and broken, but actions taken by the player can fix those bugs. Or, hey, maybe make them worse. Or both!

Maybe progressing through the game requires fixing some bugs, or introducing others.

I'm just thinking out loud. Maybe a game has already done this.


@BenPaddon I think it has, but it'd still be an interesting project. Not that I'd have any time for such a thing.

@madewokherd I like the idea as a metatextual something-or-other for games that are released in buggy, broken states, abandoned by their developers, then fixed and cares for by the game's community. But also it could be fun on a mechanical level.

@BenPaddon I can't remember the name but I'm sure I've seen one where you edit the code of in-game objects.

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