
addressing singlets as a plural system 

Hey, listen, we're not one to apply labels you didn't opt into yourself, and we're not one to gatekeep. You can be a system if you want. No one else gets to tell you whether you are or you aren't. But dangit, y'all make it really hard for us not to question whether singlets are even real.

addressing singlets as a plural system 

@madewokherd We are curious about the possible context for this...

addressing singlets as a plural system 

@not_on_pizza It's not any one thing. Mostly it's idioms and ways of talking about parts of the brain individually. There's also something specific we shouldn't share.

We get that most people don't experience switching or emotional amnesia the way we do. But, aside from those differences we wonder if everyone isn't this collection of parts with individual thoughts/feelings/actions the way we are.

addressing singlets as a plural system 

@madewokherd I... I don't entirely know. That last question is very interesting, and... I have a lot of thoughts all at once.

But yeah, a lot of the language about this stuff is... ambiguous, in interesting ways. Maybe we should compare notes, at some point? Feel free to nya at us (or some other animal noise) in Discord.

addressing singlets as a plural system 

@not_on_pizza I feel like I need to schedule this so it doesn't completely prevent me from getting work done one day.

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