Is the fediverse collectively smart enough and mature enough to successfully use a poll as a way to represent a 4 bit number?

Let's try. Any bit with at least 50% will be considered set. So, uh...

Show me 9.

@madewokherd I was thinking about that... You can't submit without picking any option, so there is no way to represent 0.

So, a default Mastodon install can almost represent a 4 bit number as a poll, but not quite.

@minego People just need to choose different options so none of them go above 50%.

@madewokherd Ah! Yes, collectively it would be possible. I didn't think of that.

@madewokherd Would be hard to manage though, and the results so far aren't promising. Currently it has a value of 1. A moment ago it was 5...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!