AI art 

It's weird how AI art engines own the copyright to anything you ask them to create for you, but they don't extend that copyright to the works they originally stole to build their database.

Almost as if they want all the profit, but don't want to pay anyone else.

AI art 

Also that answers a question people had before in regards to AI creations, about if the person creating the prompt was the artist.

You're clearly not the artist if you don't own the copyright of the created work, as the terms of the AI generators I have seen retain the copyright to any created works for themselves.

Oh sure you can license for commercial use, but you'll never own the full rights to anything you make through them.


AI art 

@matoakit Whether they actually own the copyright would have to be tested in court.

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AI art 

@madewokherd It's one of those lawsuit things yeah.

But as it stands now, to use almost any AI generator you agree to their terms and their terms say they own the copyright to any created work.

Just waiting for a high profile company like Disney to make something with an AI generator, then getting in a lawyer fight over it once the result becomes popular.

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