Religion - 

I am going to my brother's house for dinner tomorrow. He is the only sibling who hasn't escaped the #Mormon #cult. Ever since I was invited my brain has been on repeat practicing arguments about religion.

I don't want to argue about religion. I don't want to talk about it at all, but I know better than to think it is possible to sit through a dinner with Mormons who are aware of the trauma it has caused you and your immediate family without them trying to "bring me back to the fold."


Religion - 

@minego Do you have to answer them?

Religion - 

@madewokherd Silence isn't generally an effective solution with them. Realistically, I'll likely just walk out and go home.

Religion - 

@minego The only other idea I have is joining a different religion and then just responding with "that would be against my religion" and explaining its viewpoint in detail if pressed.

Religion - 

@madewokherd They don't have that kind of respect for other religions. Mormonism is really strong on conversion. Everyone, regardless of beliefs or religion or history is just a potential convert.

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