

Is there a name for the stage of maturity/complexity where making a change to fix an individual bug introduces an average of at least 1 other bug, so making progress requires careful review by a knowledgeable maintainer, and a thorough test suite that gets updated to verify the bugfixes (and therefore prevent the same bug from coming back)?


@recursive That sounds a bit too vague to me?


@madewokherd Yeah, I don't have anything more specific I can think of.


@madewokherd You say "mature" and I think that's a reasonable way to put it? Maybe "established"?
I also think "legacy" can sometimes apply but not always.

(I think for me in terms of considering the care required for changes, it's also about the number of people using the software too? Earlier/smaller projects can ignore more edge cases and breakage has less impact, and later/bigger projects have more requirements and use cases to juggle and preserve.)


@madewokherd Not sure if official, but I propose "yak herd", since trying to fix a bug often ends in yak shaving...

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