aphantasia, plurality, trauma (+) 

I have what I'm calling gray aphantasia - I can see in dreams pretty vividly, but while awake/conscious can barely visualize. I can't be sure, but exploring plurality has led me to believe I lost the ability to trauma, and there's now a headmate I can't talk to who is holding on to it.


aphantasia, plurality, trauma (+) 

Besides wanting to reunite with everyone blocked off in here, the ability would be really useful to get a window inside the system, or so I hope. As well as a metaphor that can be used to influence system things like switches.

aphantasia, plurality, trauma (+) 

Lately it's been slowly clearing up - at least while conscious and sufficiently relaxed, I seem to pick up more spontaneous images, with more detail and endurance (but no more vivid). I don't know if this has to do with approaching it as a plurality thing. It no longer feels like talking to someone, but maybe that's because I'm mostly listening now.

aphantasia, plurality, trauma (+) 

I'm also visiting my parents' house, and a lot of what I'm seeing is rooms in here. If I have a headspace that I can't access, I do feel like this would be a part of it. Along with some other places I see often in dreams, a few not even based on the real world.

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