@BenPaddon That just means threads is still in phase 1 of this: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys
Which, given that it just launched, I would hope so.
The reason I'm on Mastodon is that I expect for-profit social media will always become shitty eventually, and I want to be on a platform where that won't happen. (Also, I genuinely like it here. I can spend a little time each day reading things my friends like and/or care about and then feel satisfied and go do something else.)
@madewokherd (I promise that wasn't sarcasm.)
@BenPaddon I didn't read it as sarcasm. I'm choosing to take this as a good sign about my mental state, rather than a bad sign about my ability to detect likely sarcasm.
I am also glad you're enjoying threads, and I would like to be wrong about it eventually becoming shitty. I take no joy in people losing platforms where they were having fun and connecting with people.
@madewokherd I'm glad you've found a social media platform that works for you!