People who regularly take naps: do you adjust your bedtime afterwards? I worry if I go to bed at my normal time I just won't be able to get to sleep, and I don't know how to adjust it.


@madewokherd I don't regularly take naps, but I do deploy naps when I have bad headaches or have slept very very poorly the night before.

I don't adjust my bedtime afterwards, as (for me) regular sleep times are really important for me personally. Most sleep books I've read have seemed to suggest something similar too.

I try to take my nap in the afternoon, in the 1-5pm range usually, either as a 1h or 4h thing. (I say, having just taken a 4h nap just like that @_@;;;)

Usually that night I will take a long hot bath an hour before bedtime, make sure I do winding down activities (instead of anxious/busy/intense things), and also take some melatonin to coax my body to get to sleep at the right time

It usually works out because I only take naps when I'm feeling extremely poorly, and so my body is fairly ready for more sleep at that point.


@picklish Maybe naps are the wrong approach entirely. My energy has a tendency to crash in the early evening, and I don't know what to do about it.


@madewokherd That sounds really unfortunate for whatever reason it's happening. For me at least early evening is probably too late for a nap.

I don't mean to have my "fix it" hat on, but is this a post-dinner thing? Do you have pretty regular sleep times?



@picklish Post-dinner thing: possibly. Regular sleep times: yes.

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@madewokherd Hmm, ok, maybe this is past my own experience then. Casually, my last speculative wonder is if maybe it's a blood sugar related thing and would be curious if it's related to particular foods more than others.

Bodies can be really terrible, sometimes.


@picklish I'll pay attention to see if there's a pattern, thank you.

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