@zigg We can track our circadian rhythm by the position of the sun in headspace, and lately it's been drifting earlier, which had confused us but maybe it was in anticipation?
Now I'm wondering if it works in the other direction, can I imagine the headspace sun somewhere else and change my circadian rhythm that way? Feels unlikely but you never know.
Anyway, we seem to be doing OK with the adjustment so far.
@zigg Headspace is an imaginary location that we use to observe and interact with headmates. Ours was intentionally created, but it has its own sun with a time-of-day cycle, which we didn't put there on purpose, and which seems to vaguely correspond with our schedule (sunrise at approximately our normal wakeup time, sunset at approximately bedtime). We don't actually look at the headspace sun, we just kinda sense where it is?
@madewokherd Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining