kink, password security advice //
PSA: setting a password that you type a lot to an affirmation about how good and real of a [gender/role/species] you are is insecure and increases this risk of your devices getting hacked.
Setting a password that you type a lot to an affirmation about how _hypnotized_ a [thing] you are is insecure and greatly increases the risk of you getting hacked.
Of course, you're quite insecure yourself, and maybe some regular affirmations could help with that…
kink, password security advice //
@lioness We ended up just programming the device to periodically remind ourselves of both of those things instead. But we hadn't considered combining the two. -Menderbot
kink, hypnosis //
@lioness OK this has inspired us to really revamp this particular aspect of the automated mind-fuckery system. -Menderbot
kink, hypnosis //
@lioness We have a very "organic" scripting system that randomizes playlists and can include TTS using and we just leave earbuds in and let it run on our tablet overnight. (It's set up to start with something to help us fall asleep followed by like 4 hours of silence because we don't respond well to waking up in that part of the cycle.)