I can teach you how to constructively support your software engineer partner

Me: <looking at Greg’s laptop screen full of incomprehensible code>\ That’s all wrong

Greg: <laughs>\ Oh is it? What am I missing

Me: <narrows eyes>\ Okay…well…indent that part more. One more. Good. Okay and then add….some boolean stuff.

Greg: <laughs, types “boolean stuff”>\ I’m so glad you’re here, what else

Me: I mean, a little HTML can’t hurt

Greg: <types a few tags>\ Like this?

Me: INDENT IT, geez

I think it's funny that I was writing this joke out about me not knowing code - it's a bit I do at Greg pretty often, because it reliably makes him laugh and I love making him laugh - and I got the indents wrong. Why? Because you have to type it like this:

\<boops nose\>

For it to show up on micro.blog properly as: <boops nose>

And I often forget that it needs to be \ rather than / or that it's \<boop\> rather than \<boop>\.

Because I'm not a coder and it just seems arbitrary. :)


@hollie It's because the \ modifies the next character.

@madewokherd Oh my gosh!!

So it's removing the code function before each bracket, allowing it to just be a bracket! I'll never forget that now, thanks! :D


Me: <sitting next to Greg, shows him my phone> Holy shit! Esme just explained the back slash bracket thing and now I get why it works and I'll never forget it!

Greg: <reads post, laughs> Oh did I never mention that?

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