lucid dream attempts // 

current strategy is to wake up a few hours before schedule, lie immobile in bed (using a bit of self-hypnosis to enforce that) and something something tell myself that I'll have a lucid dream.

Monday night I woke up I think 3-4 times, starting at 1-something am? no dice with lucidity but I was able to get back to sleep pretty easily

this morning I woke up at 6:30, disabled my 8am alarm, laid down immobile, kept an open mind & just… didn't fall back asleep until I gave up


lucid dream attempts // 

@lioness You might want to add some kind of "probing" to that.

From our experience it's possible to end up in a state that's indistinguishable from laying motionless in bed, except that your senses are open to being manipulated. We tend to imagine full body movement, such as a rocking motion, to test this. If we get there, then engaging our imagination in pretty much any way will initiate a lucid dream. (Lately we imagine being upright and falling over for that part.)

lucid dream attempts // 

@madewokherd that might be a good idea. what I've been doing is more passively monitoring my senses — I think I'm getting good at noticing when I'm starting to get fabricated experiences, but trying to direct them just wakes me back up.

now that you mention it I did do a bit of sending/polling for messages within that fabricated experience — maybe that's a thread to pull on. I'll try the moving body thing too.

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