
There's a kind of power that comes from loving everyone, no exceptions. It's power to change yourself. To see clearly what's important. To know that everything really will be OK, even if the worst happens, while still caring about the suffering that is there, still wanting to live and make things better.


I've glimpsed this for most of my life, but I didn't understand why most people are missing it. You really do have to love everyone, including those who cause more suffering than you could fathom, including parts of yourself that hurt you, or that you're ashamed of. There can be no room for hate. You can call no one a sinner. The world will fling shame at you, and you must not let it touch you. They'll tell you that some are not deserving of love, and you must not believe them.



"But what about <well-known suffering-causer>?" Hope that they learn better, or that their power is taken away from them. Hope that they do not suffer in turn, hope not for retribution. Know that the path they are on does not lead to happiness, and have sympathy for that.

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