
This has been in the works since April:

I'm not explicitly mentioned in the post, but effectively the maintainer duties for the Mono project now fall on me. It sort of worked out that Wine Mono (which I maintain) became the primary user of Mono that hadn't moved to modern .NET, with the other common use case being winforms on Linux. I might be the only person left who cares enough and has the generalist knowledge to muddle through.

It was just pointed out to me: keeping Mono maintained is important for preservation. .NET Framework images can't always be recompiled. That's most obvious with Wine, but sometimes upstream Mono is used for that too.

@voltagex There's nothing for Mono specifically, but Winehq accepts donations through SFC:

@madewokherd Just hope you personally are doing okay with this shift and this ongoing responsibility.

@voltagex Thankfully CodeWeavers is supporting me in this, it wouldn't be possible otherwise.

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