Barry, one of the awesome people behind, sent me an email asking if I’d tried out the new alt text feature (I’d asked about this when I joined). I hadn’t seen it yet, so I’m trying it now, on this ridiculously cute photo of the puppos. I’d collapsed on the couch to say hi to Finn, and Zoe jumped up and stood on front of him, then collapsed against him, and omigawd they just laid like that for MINUTES, getting head pats and being so cute I almost couldn’t stand it.


@hollie Via the RSS feed or website, text is available only in the "alt" attribute. This differs from Mastodon's behavior which puts it in the "alt" and "title" attributes. The "title" attribute is what allows the text to show up while hovering. The "alt" attribute makes it show up for screen readers, or if the image doesn't load.

Since alt text can be helpful even for people who can see the image, I think it'd be good if they'd include it as a title as well.

@madewokherd I think I’m not getting it exactly since I’m not sure how Mastodon uses <title>, but I can see the alt text in the image when I hover - are you not able to?

@hollie I am not.

Mastodon does

The alt hover behavior may be browser-dependent. I use Firefox.

@madewokherd Oh weird, I'm sorry that's happening! I'm not sure why? I'm on Firefox too and the hover works for me. I'm not sure what's different?

@hollie Oh, hm, I put html in my reply and it didn't show up.

Mastodon does this: <img src="http..." alt="text..." title="text">

repeating the dog photo.... 

@madewokherd Weird, I don't know enough about the medium to know what that's happening. I'm on Mastodon on Firefox and mine looks like this:

repeating the dog photo.... 

@hollie Yes, Mastodon shows it because it includes it as both alt text and title text. But the post on, or the html embedded in its rss feed, includes it only as alt text so it doesn't display on hover.

repeating the dog photo.... 

@madewokherd Ohhhh....gotcha!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!