Article about Aid Access.
Fun fact, no US authority Can shut it down because it’s not based here.
something cis people should know about trans trauma
If you, as a cis person, want to know what growing up as a trans woman in this society is like, one manifestation of the trauma is in becoming a fully grown human and still, in many cases, having the nagging belief that everyone sees you as a predator, maybe even other trans people, despite all of the kindness and grace you have done your very best to practice.
And yes, all of these recent state laws will hurt another generation that way.
Posting this amazing art ("pink in the night") by Eunnie, who has seemingly not yet joined the fediverse, so that you're not missing out
I have added full alt text, which was sadly missing from the posts elsewhere.
You can follow her at:
#trans #transgender #TransFem #lesbian #sapphic #queer #LGBTQ #DigitalArt
stream announcement Still learning BIT.TRIP Runner. Probably still spending most of the time on 1-2.
stream announcement Hey I'm playing BIT.TRIP Runner on the Internet again and I feel weird about announcing it but here we are. Will be a short stream because it's late.
The section "Reviewing old cards can become a chore" describes well why I got so frustrated with Anki that I wrote my own flashcard program for private use. The answer to that for me was to simply not have timestamps at all and instead treat intervals as a quantity of reviews. When you run out of reviews, then you can add new cards. It's probably still not the most effective for language learning, but at least this way is more fun for me.
Seaweeds are not plants. They’re algae, without roots or leaves, although they do photosynthesize: harvesting the sun’s energy to build themselves. BUT there are a small number of real flowering plants in the sea: the seagrasses, which evolved from terrestrial plants and grow in large meadows. Mostly water moves pollen around, but for at least one species, small crustaceans do the job of bees and carry sticky pollen from one plant to another. Underwater gardening, anyone? #Ocean #Seagrass
we've also observed that for most people these seem to be based on the superficial aspects of the thing, not on a deep understanding of it, which we think is part of why a lot of the old scams work again when you add computers to them
The 10th annual international Gender Census 2023 is now open until at least 9th May 2023!
It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.
I read a good line in a story that's helped me with imposter syndrome.
It said, remember that people are as a species used to living in groups of about 200, grouped around several campfires.
needs its own storyteller, its own dancer, its own musician. More than one, really.
So don't compare yourself to those who perform for millions.
Are you the person who can make people happy around your closest campfire? That's what's needed.
stream announcement Live playing BIT.TRIP Runner. Still trying to learn to 100% the game and still on the very beginning stages. Hoping to do well enough to move on to 1-3 challenge today. Oh and I'm using my toes to play.
I'm thinking that I might start putting this year's survey together in the next few days, which means pulling in Patreon pledges to fund the survey software etc. is imminent.
If you would like to contribute financially to this year's annual survey of everyone whose genders defy and transcend the limited binary model, please click here:
Thanks folks! :)
UK emergency alert test, DV mention, please boost 📱🔊🚨
There is going to be a #UK wide test of a phone-based alert system that can't be silenced normally on Sun 23 April 2023 at 15:00.
It'll be loud, about 10 seconds long, and unkillable. Phones on silent will still make a noise. This is likely to reveal the locations of hidden or secondary phones used by people in domestic abuse situations, so please help get the word out.
Refuge, the domestic abuse charity, have put together a guide showing how to turn of these alerts on Android and iPhone:
Non-smartphones will need to be turned off.
News article:
@Sophie I hadn't thought about this, but I just checked and the desktop version of VLC has an option for this. Doesn't seem to have it for subtitles though.