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@Sophie Good to know (I'm no longer following since the one you talked about earlier).

@minego No such thing, but it's loud valley. You need to change the pants to make it louder.

Trans people who were assigned female at birth and who are on testosterone, how are your anger levels compared to before you started testosterone?

[ #poll #trans ]

I wonder how many people think my name is lore. -Iore

@wafflesoup You are braver than I, specifically when it comes to the subject of lasers and faces. Also, woo, congrats!

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie I don't think that's the case for us, but it seems plausible, in that you're more likely to hear it if your brain has less energy to filter it.

Trans men on testosterone (boosts welcome), have you experienced more anger since beginning HRT?

We've been noticing that our parentheticals are often other sysmates interjecting. -Iore

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie This is how we feel about plurality (except we wouldn't use the word diagnose because plurality isn't a diagnosis).

Mental health, relationships, midlife 

I have a theory and maybe this is already posited somewhere or maybe is just my sphere of experience.

I feel like we hear less about midlife crisis es and partners completely fucking off.

But we hear more about transitioning and ENM.

I feel this is humans realizing communication and support is healthier and more enjoyable.

Much like gentle parenting, and all the other mentally and emotionally healthy practices we are trying to use to break past trauma.

This is the longest I have ever been 37 years old.

don't wait for your kid to come out

tell them right now: i support and love you no matter your gender or sexuality

the bills in some states mandating teachers inform parents if their child is doing any kind of gender exploration does more than put kids whose parents will be violent at risk

it means any kids who are unsure how their parent will react cannot safely do any sort of gender exploration then come out to their parents when they feel ready

so right now. tell your kid. don't give them any room for doubt.

stream announcement 

Never mind, progress averted.

Show thread

stream announcement I am once again live playing BIT.TRIP Runner in a very silly way, but this time I am likely to be forced to move on in the game very slightly, to stage 1-4.

@recursive I suspect this is one of those things neurotypical folks are secretly also bad at.

Ear worms, questions 

@compostablespork Exactly like the original as far as we (plural system) can tell. Of course, memory is imperfect and there may be parts we forget or didn't notice.

CONSERVATIVES: Corporations are people and deserve free-speech rights

CORPORATIONS: Trans people exist

CONSERVATIVES: Not like that

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie Thank you, I might use this.

I was finally getting used to NOT having quote-posts.

Please, can we not hate-share things? Don't QP to dunk. QP to "yes-and," and QP for memes, but don't QP hate into your friends' timelines.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!