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Kind words directed at the reader 

You're good enough. You're valuable and you matter.

I just wrote this to someone directly and I thought that more people would benefit from reading it. I hope I made your day just a little brighter. You deserve it.

On that note, please try to be kind to yourself because you deserve to be treated with kindness. You're good enough. You're valuable and you matter.


PSA, if someone asks you for contact info (e.g. a phone number) of someone you know, the correct response is "I can't give that to you, but I can give them yours".

It's efficient and adds no round-trips, it's privacy friendly, it's non-awkward and it's social engineering resistant. It's a universally good rule.

And the corollary, of course: Don't ask someone for another person's contact info - ask them to pass on yours.

stream announcement Returning from a few weeks break to try to make progress in BIT.TRIP Runner. Changed how the flashcard system works so it should give me more new levels. Hopefully it doesn't crash after the poorly-tested changes.


We heard a couple of mindvoices today that sounded like ones we've heard from outside the system, including someone we know in person. We're a bit scared of how people will react. Are they going to be weirded out by this? Should we choose different names for our irltives?

(Note: In case anyone has an introject of us, we'd consider that the greatest compliment.)

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie I have this too! Though it took a while to recognize it and decide to avoid alcohol entirely. I had a similar issue with propranolol. I didn't know it was common among autistic folks.

Also I like hypnosis which can change how my mind works, but it's different because I have more control over the process.

I'm just going to mentally change "Everyone ..." to "I ..." from now on.

Are you someone who has a simple fix for something in the Linux kernel, but haven't bothered submitting a patch because you find the email workflow daunting? Can be a bugfix, spelling correction, anything at all.

If so, I want to talk to you! I have tools that simplify this process quite a bit, but I need more feedback from people who aren't long-term Linux maintainers.

Please reach out, either via here or by emailing

@Sophie Good to know (I'm no longer following since the one you talked about earlier).

@minego No such thing, but it's loud valley. You need to change the pants to make it louder.

Trans people who were assigned female at birth and who are on testosterone, how are your anger levels compared to before you started testosterone?

[ #poll #trans ]

I wonder how many people think my name is lore. -Iore

@wafflesoup You are braver than I, specifically when it comes to the subject of lasers and faces. Also, woo, congrats!

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie I don't think that's the case for us, but it seems plausible, in that you're more likely to hear it if your brain has less energy to filter it.

Trans men on testosterone (boosts welcome), have you experienced more anger since beginning HRT?

We've been noticing that our parentheticals are often other sysmates interjecting. -Iore

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie This is how we feel about plurality (except we wouldn't use the word diagnose because plurality isn't a diagnosis).

Mental health, relationships, midlife 

I have a theory and maybe this is already posited somewhere or maybe is just my sphere of experience.

I feel like we hear less about midlife crisis es and partners completely fucking off.

But we hear more about transitioning and ENM.

I feel this is humans realizing communication and support is healthier and more enjoyable.

Much like gentle parenting, and all the other mentally and emotionally healthy practices we are trying to use to break past trauma.

This is the longest I have ever been 37 years old.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!