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re: easy way to ruin video games forever // 

@lioness Though in our case it's more like who was I 10 seconds ago and how many of us are really conscious? -Ionas

re: easy way to ruin video games forever // 

@lioness This fucks us up so much. -Ionas

Well, I hope you're happy.

You've been spending all your time doing your best despite a mind a body lacking a manual, a society that's largely indifferent to whether even your basic needs are met, and (statistically) repeated traumatic experiences. And maybe discrimination for something that shouldn't reflect badly on you, or flat denial of your lived experience which is categorically real and valid.

After all that, you deserve happiness. It's OK if you haven't found it yet, but I hope you do.

I'm a geologist and this isn't cute or funny. Rocks only climb trees like this when they're very stressed.


Anyway, talking to yourself is awesome and everyone should do it. I’d especially recommend it if you are the kind of person who marvels at how clever everyone else is and figures things out more when talking to people - you might just process things better verbally.

Though I guess that is mostly thinking out loud, but it can be a conversation too. It’s fine, you don’t have to have other people in your head to do it.

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Less than a year ago, we set out to understand and repair ourselves. We didn't expect to finish any time soon, but now our core is healed, and we're not sure whether we have any trauma left. We'll keep looking, exploring, and growing regardless.

Always ask: what are you longing for? What are you putting off? What can't you imagine changing because you don't remember ever experiencing the world another way? There are limits, yes, but they may not be where you think.


I'm shy at first, but once you get to know me, I continue to be shy because social interaction is overwhelming and draining.

Full text search has been merged in #Mastodon `main` branch, and will be in the next (and final?) 4.2.0 beta 🎉

It is opt-in, so it will take some time to be filled with people content as they enable their profile to be indexed, but this was one of the most wanted Mastodon features for some time.

We plan to deploy it to and in the coming days to have a bit more feedback on it and see how it behaves in the wild.

Okay I’m just going to say it: all non-diagetic video advertising is ableist and I’m done pretending it’s only a mere annoyance.

You’re going to suddenly interrupt what I was focusing on with something super dissonant, loud, bright - I’m going to have a bad reaction every time. It’s overwhelming, it triggers my tics, I’m over it. Stop.

@sota767 If you like fiber so much, maybe you should eat an orange. (sorry, I'm in a weird mood right now)

Every #NYT story lately.

I have no idea where this image originated and take no credit.

re3: psych/neuro // 

@lioness Yes. I'm asking how it's possible for that first thing to work.

re: psychology/neuroscience lay question, food ref // 

@lioness I think so, but I'm not sure where you're doing with this.

psychology/neuroscience lay question 

It's possible for the brain to physically modify itself (neuroplasticity) in directed ways, right? I.e. following some instruction/idea, rather than just repetition of certain pathways.

Does anyone have a theory for how the brain does that (if that's what happens)?

I may have said this before, but I wonder how much of what we think of as a part of being a person is actually the result of mimicking behavior that was demonstrated to us.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!